Tarot Musings

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About 2 years ago, I earnestly started publicly reading tarot. I’ve been studying or ignoring it for over 35 years. Funny thing about Tarot is that the more you try to ignore it, and do anything but, the more it starts to make sense.

In 2011, I met a lovely lady online through some activist work we were both doing.  As a result of that meeting, I discovered that she and a friend had created a tarot deck – Tarot of the Boroughs. I bought a deck when visiting them in New York City.  About a month later, I was found publicly reading tarot at the Witches Ball in Halifax. I had taken training courses in years past, I had read, and re-read books and websites. I just was never comfortable opening up like that. But BOOM! I was doing it, and enjoying it. It did take another couple of years before I decided to really put myself out there. It became a daily thing. And I love it! Thanks Courtney Weber for the push I needed!

I do offer Tarot readings in person, on-line (via Skype, FB Messenger, or other), and by phone.

Intuitive Tarot Reading Rates:

15 minutes  – $25.00
30 minutes – $50.00
45 minutes – $75.00

You can check out my Card of the day readings on Facebook using #ElementalTarotWithkelly


*Please note that readings are for entertainment purposes only. 


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